Tag: Discover Greece

Dec 04
13 Greek Islands Worth to Visit in 2021

13 Greek Islands Worth to Visit in 2021. Crystal clear blue beaches, historical islands, adorable landscapes and more… Discover Greece!!! 01. ITHACA Best Greek island for: A mythical retreat for lovers and loners Despite its legendary stature, the homeland of Homer’s hero, Odysseus, remains surprisingly under the radar. Ithaca’s turquoise and emerald coves are popular […]

Dec 04
10 Greek Islands Worth to Visit in 2021

10 Greek Islands Worth to Visit in 2021Lord Byron was on to something when he waxed lyrical about the Greek islands. But with more than 200 to choose from, which ones are the very best Greek islands? 1. SYROS Best Greek island for: Culture and off-season cachet On Syros, capital of the Cyclades, you won’t […]

Dec 04
25 Best Places to Visit and Discover in Greece

25 Best Places to Visit and Discover in Greece.The land of Greece is one infused with ancient mythology and if you like archeology, history, art, and philosophy then a trip to this fascinating country is not to be missed. Greece is made up of a series of idyllic islands that are surrounded by jet blue […]